Not all super powers are super, and not all heroes are heroic.  At least that’s what I tell myself.

I find the lost, it’s what I do.  Things, people, animals, whatever might go missing. 

But missing things are not always lost and lost things, well, they aren’t always missed.

People don’t understand that, and they positively don’t like it.

I always ask if they really and truly want whatever it is found.  I think you’d be amazed by how many of them are surprised by my question. 

Of course they almost always say yes, but they’re usually sorry when I succeed.

Sure, If it’s a hair clip, that’s easy.  Until the actual ramifications are realized.  You’d be shocked how much a life can change by finding a lost hair clip.  Or lives, because it’s usually lives.

Never mind a person. Finding a lost person is more trouble than it’s worth. I know this but the customers never listen, they always want their person found.  Regardless of the consequences.

Still, it’s a living I suppose, the unheroic finder and his less than super power.

I’m not sure I’m supposed to find these lost things to be honest. I think some things should remain lost, forever.   It just too often feels wrong, and turns out wrong. 

But this job...this one’s weird.  Somebody lost a prototype robot. Didn’t give me much information other than it’s expensive.

I think it doesn’t want to be found, because it seems to be very good at hiding. I don’t usually track things down that are trying to get away, but this one certainly seems to be doing that.

I think there’s going to be trouble.


I’m worried, really, that what’s lost is me.  Who will find me?  What will happen then?

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